What’s your top food craving – something salty, sweet, or perhaps an entirely different flavor altogether? It’s safe to say that most of us experience cravings from time to time. But here’s the real question: do you see these cravings as the enemy, something to be fiercely battled, or even as a sign of weakness? You’re not alone in feeling this way, but what if I told you that cravings are actually perfectly normal?
One of the reasons I’ve been delving into the world of intuitive eating this month is because it offers a powerful perspective that can help you break free from the clutches of your cravings. The truth is, you have more control over these desires than you might think.
Let’s imagine a scenario: you’re going about your day, and suddenly, a fierce craving for pizza strikes. Now, if you’re locked into a “diet mentality” where foods are labeled as either “good” or “bad,” you’ll likely find yourself white-knuckling your way through this pizza craving. You might even question why this craving has dared to tempt you when you’re supposed to be “good” and pizza is “bad.”
Here’s the twist – thinking of a food as off-limits or “bad” can actually intensify your craving. It’s like telling yourself not to think of a pink elephant – you can’t help but think of one!
But with an intuitive eating mindset, you can put an end to this internal tug-of-war. You take a few minutes to pay attention to your body’s cues and discern the nature of your craving – is it just a fleeting mood, a signal of genuine hunger, or perhaps an opportunity for a slice of pizza followed by moving on with your life?
Here are some questions to ponder:
1. Are You Physically Hungry? This is the most fundamental question. Is your body genuinely in need of nourishment?
2. Is It a Habit? Do you often experience cravings at this particular time of day, possibly due to established routines?
3. Are Emotions at Play? Are you being driven by emotions – feelings of anger, stress, loneliness, boredom, or sadness?
4. Can You Shift Your Mindset? Can you temporarily redirect your focus to see if the craving naturally subsides?
More often than not, you’ll discover that simply shifting your attention can cause your craving to disappear entirely. It’s incredible how a few moments of mindful consideration can have such an impact.
Whatever decision you ultimately make regarding your craving, it will be a conscious choice. That’s what intuitive eating is all about – regaining control over your food choices. When you are the one making the decisions, you are no longer enslaved by your cravings; you are the master of your own choices.
So, the next time a craving comes knocking, don’t view it as the enemy. Instead, consider it an opportunity to practice intuitive eating, take back control, and make choices that align with your well-being and preferences.
“Training your mind to be present in the moment is the #1 key to making healthier choices.” – Susan Albers
Make it an amazing day,
Keith, Michelle & More Team