Have you ever found yourself sinking into a deep rut, realizing that if you didn’t act swiftly, it would evolve into a bad habit that’s tough to shake? Well, you’re not alone, and the journey out of that rut can be far more challenging than you might anticipate. But fear not, there are strategies and tactics that can help.
Fact: Life sometimes throws us curveballs, and we find ourselves stuck in a cycle that’s hard to break. Stress, newfound free time, or a multitude of other factors can conspire to keep us firmly entrenched in our habits, even when they’re not in our best interest.
I found myself in such a predicament not too long ago, and I knew I needed to get strategic and tactical about making a change. Here’s what I did to break free:
1. Embrace Radical Change: I recognized that making a radical change was essential to eliminate the temptation to fall back into my rut. For me, this meant shaking up my daily routine by becoming intensely engaged in something else. I filled my schedule to the brim, leaving no time or energy to be seduced back into my old habits.
2. Rediscover the Fun: Surprisingly, once I dove into this new endeavor, it wasn’t as bad as I had feared. In fact, it turned out to be quite enjoyable. Often, the initial resistance to change is more formidable than the change itself.
In his book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear offers a valuable insight into habit-breaking: reducing exposure to temptations. It’s about eliminating the cues and triggers that prompt you to engage in the undesired behavior. Once these cues are gone, you can shift your mindset by focusing on the benefits of NOT engaging in the action. For me, this meant substituting activities that yielded tangible results and personal satisfaction.
The combination of reducing temptation and highlighting the advantages of abstaining from the habit is remarkably powerful. It reframes your perspective and reinforces the positive aspects of your new behavior.
So, here’s some food for thought, especially if you’ve picked up a few habits over the past few months that you’d like to kick. Recognize the power of radical change, embrace the challenge, and remember that it often leads to unexpected enjoyment. Take a page from the playbook of habit experts, and you’ll find yourself on a path to breaking free from those undesirable routines.
Make it an amazing day,
Keith, Michelle & More Team