Have you ever experienced that sudden, gut-level urge to work toward a goal while scrolling through your phone or lounging on the couch? It’s a subtle yet powerful push from deep within, a feeling that something needs to change. Most of us have felt it at some point in our lives.
Whether it’s a desire to clean up your eating habits for better health or to start exercising to regain your energy and strength, these instincts for change are your inner compass guiding you towards growth and improvement.
Author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins refers to this phenomenon as an “instinct for change.” She also introduces a simple yet highly effective concept known as the 5-Second Rule to harness this instinct and turn it into action.
Here’s how it works: When you feel that instinct for change (provided it aligns with your goals), you count backward, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” and then you take immediate action. Surprisingly, it’s incredibly effective.
Here’s why it works: Your brain, ever the protector of your comfort zone, views change as a threat. It will deploy various tactics, including flooding your mind with thoughts to keep you firmly within your comfort zone. This is where your prefrontal cortex comes into play, constantly urging you to stick with the status quo.
Hence, the importance of acting on those gut-level urges promptly, before your prefrontal cortex takes over and convinces you to remain complacent.
The 5-Second Rule can be applied across various aspects of your life. Here are some examples of instinct-driven actions:
- Prepping Tomorrow’s Meals: You feel the urge to take control of your nutrition, so you immediately start planning and prepping your meals for the next day.
- Speaking Up at Work: In the middle of a meeting, an idea strikes you, and instead of hesitating, you speak up and contribute.
- Starting a Workout: After a long day, the instinct to boost your energy and strength hits. Without second-guessing, you lace up your shoes and head out for a jog.
By following this rule, you set the stage for life-changing results both in the present and the future. Each direct action taken toward your goals empowers you and reinforces your control over your life. It’s a process that propels you toward bigger goals, bigger actions, and ultimately, bigger success.
Undoubtedly, implementing the 5-Second Rule may feel challenging at first. Picture this scenario: You’re comfortably ensconced on the couch, deep into a Netflix binge, when suddenly, the thought of a lingering chore or the need for a workout crosses your mind. The last thing you want to do is get up and act on it. This is where the 5-Second Rule shines. Simply count backward from 5 and, despite the initial discomfort, take action. And remember, the couch will still be there when you return.
So, are you ready to ignite your instincts for success and seize control of your life one 5-second decision at a time? It’s a simple yet transformative tool that empowers you to make changes that truly matter. Give it a try, and watch how it reshapes your journey to success.
Committed to Your Success,
Keith, Michelle & More Team