Hey there! I hope you’re having a fantastic week and that you’ve been enjoying your journey into intuitive eating. How’s it going? Are you starting to tune in to your body while you eat? Well, get ready because I’ve got a CRAZY COOL tool for you today that you’re going to love.
We’ve already discussed how intuitive eating is all about reconnecting with your body’s natural cues. However, if it’s been a while since you’ve listened to these signals, it might take some practice to regain that connection. That’s where the Hunger Scale comes in – a fantastic tool to help you navigate your intuitive eating journey.
This Hunger Scale is adapted from one used by the Derbyshire Healthy Futures Service in England, and it’s designed to help you rate how you’re feeling on the hunger/fullness scale, ranging from 1 to 10.
Here’s the Hunger Scale:
- Absolutely Ravenous: You’re beyond hungry. You might feel light-headed, headachey, and physically weak. It’s the extreme end of hunger.
- Uncomfortably Hungry (or “Hangry”): You’re grouchy, possibly a little tired, and your hunger is making itself known.
- Empty Stomach: You want to eat, and your stomach feels empty. You’re aware that you’re hungry, but it’s not overwhelming yet.
- Thinking About Food: You’re thinking about food, and your hunger is starting to build.
- Satisfied and Content: You’ve eaten enough to stop the hunger pangs, and your mood is good. This is often the sweet spot for many people.
- Feeling Full: Your body is satisfied and feeling full, but your mind might still want to eat a bit more, so you take a few extra bites.
- Regret and Discomfort: After those extra bites, you begin not to feel as well, and you might start to regret your decision to keep eating.
- Overeating: Despite feeling regret, you keep eating, often with even more food. You start to feel bloated, tired, and uncomfortable.
- Unpleasant: You STILL continue to eat. You might be sweating, your heart is pounding, and you feel absolutely miserable.
- Maximum Discomfort: This is the extreme end of overeating. You’ve gone beyond the point of fullness, and you feel terrible both physically and emotionally.
What’s fantastic about this Hunger Scale is how relatable it is. We’ve all been at various points on this scale at some time or another. It’s entirely human to experience these feelings.
So, why does this matter?
When you let yourself get too hungry (ratings 1-2), it often leads to overeating (ratings 8-10) as you desperately try to satisfy your intense hunger. This can set you up for an unhealthy cycle of overeating and then feeling so full and uncomfortable that you’re tempted to skip meals or restrict your food intake. It’s a frustrating yo-yo cycle that many of us have experienced.
Finding your sweet spot on the Hunger Scale, which is often between ratings 3 to 6, is a significant part of intuitive eating. It might take a little practice, but it’s undoubtedly worth the effort.
So, how hungry do you typically get before you eat, and how “full” do you feel before you stop? It can take some retraining to live within the 3-6 range consistently, but the rewards of intuitive eating are well worth the effort. It’s all about listening to your body, finding your balance, and nurturing a healthier relationship with food. Happy intuitive eating!
Have a great day!
Keith, Michelle & More Team