Money Saving Tips when Saving for a Trip

Money Saving Tips when Saving for a Trip

You’ve just booked your next adventure, and you want to try to have it paid off before you leave. Here are some tips and tricks that we have used to help plan and budget so you can be stress free and enjoy every moment!  First, if you have booked your adventure...


Bet you didn’t know that Ireland and it’s wealth of ancient sites and historical landmarks are really much older than you think. For instance, Newgrange, located in County Meath, is older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza. Built around 3200...
10 Tips to Help You Pack Efficiently

10 Tips to Help You Pack Efficiently

We shared this on our private Facebook group for our adventure travelers and thought to share it with everyone! You always want tips from Keith and I about packing light so I’m here today to share a few. Remember, you don’t need nearly as much as you...
Just a Few Reasons Why We Chose Bhutan

Just a Few Reasons Why We Chose Bhutan

When selecting a destination we take into account several factors including interest from our travelers, where we have wanted to visit, the culture, how to get there, and so much more. Bhutan is one of those destinations that we have always wanted to visit as well as...
How to Make the Most of Your Suitcase

How to Make the Most of Your Suitcase

You did it! After months of research you finally decided to take that trip you have always wanted! You have been notified 50 times at all hours of the day and night on numerous apps about flight prices to get the best one and found the perfect flight with a...
Obtaining a US Passport When One Parent is Deceased

Obtaining a US Passport When One Parent is Deceased

When I first lost my late husband and went to get my children a passport as a solo mother, I felt daunted by the paperwork and how to navigate getting it all done correctly. The hardest part for me, without question, was pulling out that death certificate; talk about...